Question : dump database & load database
hi there, another qestion for you all!
I need to dump the structure of database 'Peewee' running on machine A ( no data ) to a text file on a linux box B.
how do i do this?
lets assume that we done this how do i load the structure onto another linux box, ie i need to know how to do a migration from one box to another no data for now and structure.
many thanks Peewee
Answer : dump database & load database
Do you mean the database currently has no data, or that you only want to transfer the structure and not the data? If the former, you can just dump the database and load the dump on any other server. You can also dump the database, truncate all the user tables, dump the database again, and reload the first dump. The second dump can then be transfered to another server.
You can also extract scripts for the database objects (though this doesn't work well for stored procedures that reference temp tables created outside the procedure - you would have to find the original procedure scripts that contained the temp table create statements) using a variety of options: the ddlgen utility, SQL Central's reverse engineering features, dbschema.pl (see http://www.isug.com/Sybase_FAQ/ASE/section9.html), Power Designer, etc.
Such generated scripts are usually just run executed with an ISQL session to create the objects.