Question : Date function

IS there any way in Sybase which will give me the difference of two datetime fileds ? DateDiff truncates and is not rounding off.  eg: 136 minutes should be converted to 2:16  

Answer : Date function

There is only one way in ASE up to 11.9.x

1) DateDiff returns integer.

2) You can use DateAdd function to add the result of DateDiff to a certain date - then display only the hours, minutes and seconds (or wahtever you want)

dateadd(datepart, datediff expression, startdate)

a) you have to use convert function to get result from isql in readable format ('108' is hh:mm:ss - refer to display formats for date/time)
b) the dateadd and datediff dateparts must be same
c) you can coose whatever 'start date' you want, but remember, that datetime datetime starts on 1.1.1753.

select convert(char(50),dateadd(ss,datediff(ss,'12/31/1999 01:01:01','1/1/2000'), '1/1/1900'),108)
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