Question : Report Based on Multiple Filters!

Hi I am a newbie to MS Access and am using MSAccess97. I have a table with 8 fields giving Vehicle details. I have created a form with four fields which are combo boxes pulling data from the table itself. I want to generate a report from the choice a user makes on selecting values in these comboboxes. The tricky bit is a user may choose not to enter any value which should then give all records. Can somebody help me please?!

Answer : Report Based on Multiple Filters!

The following code should work if you have four comboboxes with names combo1,combo2,combo3 and combo4

Dim ComVal As Boolean
Dim sql As String

sql = "select * from tablename where "

ComVal = False

    If Not IsNull(Combo1.Value) Then
        sql = sql & " field1 = ' " & Combo1.Value & " '"
        ComVal = True
    End If
    If Not IsNull(Combo2.Value) And ComVal Then
        sql = sql & " and " & " field2 = " & Combo2.Value
    ElseIf Not IsNull(Combo2.Value) And Not ComVal Then
        sql = sql & " field2 =  " & Combo2.Value
        ComVal = True
    End If
    If Not IsNull(Combo3.Value) And ComVal Then
        sql = sql & " and " & " field3 = " & Combo3.Value
    ElseIf Not IsNull(Combo3.Value) And Not ComVal Then
        sql = sql & " field3 = " & Combo3.Value
        ComVal = True
    End If
    If Not IsNull(Combo4.Value) And ComVal Then
        sql = sql & " and " & " field4 =  " & Combo4.Value
    ElseIf Not IsNull(Combo4.Value) And Not ComVal Then
        sql = sql & " field4 =  " & Combo4.Value
        ComVal = True
    End If
    If ComVal = False Then
        sql = "select * from tablename"
    End If

Dim dB As Database
Dim rS As Recordset

Set dB = CurrentDb
Set rS = dB.OpenRecordset(sql, dbOpenDynaset)
If Not rS.EOF Then
End If

MsgBox rS.RecordCount
take the recordset and display the values as reqd.

This should work based on the values in each of the combo boxes.

If all the values are null then it selects all records otherwise based on the values in the combo boxes.

replace tablename and the fielnames with your tablename and fieldnames appropriately.
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