Question : Sort by only last digit in a column in excel

I have a large worksheet with employees seniority dates and other info.

We have multiple people with the same seniority date. The tiebreaker then becomes the last digit of their SS number.


Sen Date      Last 4 SS

01/05/98      2529      
01/05/98      8394            
01/05/98      0078

I need to sort by the seniority date 1st and then by the last digit of the 2nd column in ascending order.

is thsi possible?      

Answer : Sort by only last digit in a column in excel

You might consider creating a "tie-breaker" column containing a formula like:
=RIGHT(B2,1)           where B2 is the social security number

You could then include the tie-breaker column in your sort hierarchy (you get up to three fields you can sort by)
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