Question : Is there any way to use Server 2008 adm's on a DC running Server 2003?
Setup is:
2x Server 2003 AD machines
2x Server 2008 Terminal Services machines
I want to be able to set up GPOs for these TS machines (specific policies new to Terminal Services 2008) from my regular DCs, however according to MS it appears that admx files are only supported on Vista/S2k8
Any workaround? Has somebody created a handy exporter/converter perhaps?
The last straw would be for me to enable Local GPOs on the TS machines and do it that way, but that's just nasty
Thanks in advance
Answer : Is there any way to use Server 2008 adm's on a DC running Server 2003?
The limitation with admx is that you can only create/manage these new policies from a Vista or 2008 machine. There is no restrictions on using them on a 2003 domain.
See link for more info -
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