Question : Filetype/Action definition for .XLS filetype

I had messed my filetype/action definitions fount in

My computer > Tools > Folder Options > File types Tab > Advanced (For .XLS) > Action:Open > Edit.

I tried to reconstruct it by manually copying the contents from another ocmputer where it is working fine.

In the "Application used to perform action" box I have

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\EXCEL.EXE" /e

which, when I copy to the affected computer always gets changed to

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\EXCEL.EXE" /e %1

when entered and then revisited.

Due to this suffix the program gives numerous "file not found" messages before starting to work. This is a nuisance.

How can I modify this withoud windows appending the %1?

I do not want to reinstall Excel/Office.


Answer : Filetype/Action definition for .XLS filetype

Forgot to mention, you shouldn't use both DDE and the filename in the command line.

Have you tried running:
Start-Run: EXCEL.EXE /unregserver
Start-Run: EXCEL.EXE /regserver

that should recreate the required registry settings.
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