Question : How do I Fix a RUNDLL Error

Hello programmers.  I have a users laptop that may have a virus.  Everytime he attempts to logon to windows xp he gets the following error message;
ERROR LOADING C:\windows\wftadfi16_080909a.dll the specified module could not be found

I noticed that it comes up twice.  Once i click ok to both error messages we seem to be able to continue on with normal windows functions (i.e. word, excel, etc.).

Answer : How do I Fix a RUNDLL Error

1)  Use MSCONFIG (Start->Run and type msconfig).  See if this shows up in the list of startup programs - if it does, uncheck it and see if the error goes away.

2)  Using Hijackthis! see if the DLL in question shows up in the hijackthis scan.  If it does, check the box and fix it.

3)  Search the registry for the wftadfi16_080909 and see if you can find a reference to it in one of the RUN keys.

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