Question : usb stick wants drivers after ghosting.
After ghosting and syspreping a windows XP machine on a 2003 domain it now needs admin privilages to run usb memory sticks. It also then wants to install drivers for them. Before I took a ghost image with sysprep it did not have this behavior. If you inserted a stick it simply worked for anyone and did not want to load drivers.
Any ideas on how to fix this ?
Answer : usb stick wants drivers after ghosting.
If you look in %windir%\system32\catroot\ in one of the subdirectories you should see an sp2.cat. If you click on properties and look you should see the digital signature on that file as being signed by windows. If you do not see that then the file has been modified and you may want to copy it to your machine from another system running SP2.
Of course this is assuming you are using SP2.