Ok let us answer these two simple questions with simple answers rather than links.
When you backup a database / storage group - you tend to take a snap shot of the location of the DB files / log files / server where these files are located / DB name / number of log files backed up. Couple of more information is also backed up.
Now, for exchange to restore perfectly fine - ESE Engine needs to know that all these information is actually correct other wise you may end up restoring incorrect data on incorrect server and waste time. It was a simplification done since Exchange 5.0. Let's not go into history. So, when you restore there is a particular file called restore.env (it is always 1kb file if i recollect correctly). ESE Engine always (thumb rule) reads this file and allows you to restore.
In fact if you have ever read about hard recovery process (Eseutil /cc) you will see a screen that talks about loads of information and at the end it shows restoring.............
Now, all that information is actually stored in restore.env. To read the same contents run the command
Eseutil /cm "path to restore.env folder" (DO Not include the file in the path) So basically it looks like
C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\Bin>Eseutil.exe /cm "C:\Temp\First Storage Group"
Thats it - simple isn't it :)
Question 2) How do you if SMTP is working.
Couple of ways.
1) Use a simple telnet localhost 25 command to check if Exchange responds over port 25.
2) Use a tool called port query to check if port 25 is opened (it wont respond if SMTP is stopped)
3) Check SMTP Service is started.
4) On Exchange box - you may want to check under servers - protocols - smtp - default smtp virtual server. If SMTP is stopped this would show a red cross on it.
Hmmmm any othe way...welll there are but these should be good enough for starters.
Got any more doubts sir ??