Question : changing hair colour
Hi, I saw a thread on this previously...and it seems like quite an expert job...a few people on here seemed to know how to edit photographs I basically have a picture where i want to change my hair colour from black to medium brown...i know you can use photoshop for this...but because of my very limited computer knowledge i would need someone to assist me.....or even better actually do it for me! Help is very much appreciated... If you are able ot do me this favour..i'd like very much to get in touch with you..Thank you!
Answer : changing hair colour
Hi Liza,
you could use the magic wand tool in Adobe Photoshop and fiddle with the tolerance so that everything but your hair is selected, then goto the select menu bar option and inverse your selection, now you will only have your hair selected, then goto the 'lab tools' menu bar option and fiddle with the 'image values' e.g. colour, saturation etc.
P.S. Hope this helps, else you could mail it to me at *** email address removed by Netminder, EE Admin *** and i'll c what i can do.