Question : TIF view properly in all apps except Microsoft Office Document Imaging

Our network fax server saves images of sent and received images as TIFs. Occaisionally, Microsoft Office Document Imaging ("MODI") opens one of these fax TIFs as solid black (100%), but the same imaging will open correctly in Kodak/Wang Imaging (yes, I reinstalled it after Word 2003 tried to kill it), Irfanview, OmniPage Pro 12, Acrobat Pro 7.0 and others. The problem is limited to MODI and does not occur with all images. I can't identify a common factor. If it weren't for the OCR capability of MODI, I would not use it at all, but it's the only app I have which let's me view TIFs, select an area within the image which contains scanned text, OCR it and save the resulting text to my clipboard.

Q. -- How do I fix MODI?

Q. -- Is there a free or inexpensive alternative TIF viewer with OCR capability?

I have the OmniPage, but it is slow to load. I use it if I must OCR a large volume of text, but for little quick-and-dirty snippets of text, MODI is great -- when it works.

Answer : TIF view properly in all apps except Microsoft Office Document Imaging

I would bet, though, if you could dig down and find it, there's a common element to them - it may even be something originating at the other end of the fax line. chhokra_expert's suggestion of comparing the file headers, etc to see if there are differences between those that work and those that don't seems to make sense. Or, if you have hosting available to you, post a couple of examples of each here, and we can see what we can find out.
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