Question : MS PAINT

I have Windows 98 both at home and at work.  But for some reason, the MSPAINT at work doesn't open as many file types as at home.  At home I can open .gif, jpg and more, but at work its just .bmp.  Anyone know the cause?

Answer : MS PAINT

I suspect that the Win 98 at work is an upgrade and the Win 98 at home is OEM?  Win 95 MSPaint would only do bmps and pcx's and the like, but Win 98 upgrade has support for more file types...I bet if you check the one at work, it will have the version # from 95...just go to Help--> about Paint.  SOmetimes, if you don't do a custom installation things like MS Paint aren't upgraded, they are left "As is"  When that is confirmed, do what Rickee said and use the Windows Setup in the Add/Remove Programs applet to get the 98 version of MS Paint installed.
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