Question : Rename Batch File does not work on Windows 2003 Server, but it does on Windows XP?
I am writting a batch file to rename a backup file and move it to the archive directory. For some reason the batch works fine when tested on Windows XP PRO box. When I move it to the Windows 2003 Server, it will not rename the file correctly. It will rename the file to -03-2007-backup803.1, when it should be 2007-03-15-backup803.1. Some helpe would be apprieciated! Thanks
@echo off
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do set today=%%c-%%b-%%d RENAME d:\backup\backup803.1 "%today%"-backup803.1
move d:\backup\"%today%"-backup803.1 d:\backup\Z_DAILY_BACKUPS
Answer : Rename Batch File does not work on Windows 2003 Server, but it does on Windows XP?
This will work on both systems:
@echo off
call :GETDATEPARTS "%date%"
set today=%yy%-%mm%-%dd%
RENAME "d:\backup\backup803.1" "%today%-backup803.1"
move "d:\backup\%today%-backup803.1" "d:\backup\Z_DAILY_BACKUPS"
goto :EOF
set dt=%~1 set tok=1-3
if "%dt:~0,1%" GTR "9" set tok=2-4
set yyyy=
for /f "tokens=%tok% delims=.:/-, " %%a in ('echo %~1') do ( for /f "skip=1 tokens=2-4 delims=/-,()." %%x in ('echo.^|date') do set %%x=%%a&set %%y=%%b&set %%z=%%c )
if not "%yyyy%"=="" set yy=%yyyy%
if 1%yy% LSS 1000 (if %yy% LSS 70 (set yy=20%yy%) else (set yy=19%yy%)) if 1%mm% LSS 100 set mm=0%mm% if 1%dd% LSS 100 set dd=0%dd%
goto :EOF