Question : Out of memory -- cannot change: File using CHGSTR.EXE
I am calling the following code below using a batch application to manipulate strings inside multiple *.HTML files
set BaseUrl=www.com/root chgstr "SERVER/CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY" "%BaseURL%" *.htm /s
This works on some directories but for some files I get the following error on few files:
Out of memory error - cannot change : C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\myroot\pkg_custom\work_ products_plugin\workproducts\Work Plan,core_pkg_deliverable_57.html
I get this type of message across multiple files, please advice.
You can get the chgstr.exe from here http://www.paulslore.com/utils/chgstr.zip
My intention is to be able to find matching strings and replace the content via the batch application.
Answer : Out of memory -- cannot change: File using CHGSTR.EXE
There is no technical documentation on chgstr.exe other than the help screen:
chgstr /?
However, if you run the batch from the root folder you can loop thru each of the sub-folders like this:
for /f %%D in ('dir/ad/b ^| find/v "."') do chgstr "SERVER/CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY" "%BaseURL%" %%D\*.htm /s