Question : Out of memory -- cannot change: File using CHGSTR.EXE

I am calling the following code below using a batch application to manipulate strings inside multiple *.HTML files

chgstr  "SERVER/CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY"  "%BaseURL%"   *.htm  /s

This works on some directories but for some files I get the following error on few files:

Out of memory error - cannot change : C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\myroot\pkg_custom\work_
products_plugin\workproducts\Work Plan,core_pkg_deliverable_57.html

I get this type of message across multiple files, please advice.

You can get the chgstr.exe from here

My intention is to be able to find matching strings and replace the content via the batch application.

Answer : Out of memory -- cannot change: File using CHGSTR.EXE

There is no technical documentation on chgstr.exe other than the help screen:

   chgstr  /?

However, if you run the batch from the root folder you can loop thru each of the sub-folders like this:

   for /f %%D in ('dir/ad/b ^| find/v "."') do  chgstr  "SERVER/CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY"  "%BaseURL%"  %%D\*.htm  /s
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