Question : regex matching - multiple lines
I've been scratching my head a bit on this one (regex isn't my strong suit). I am assigning output from a executable to a variable in my script as so:
data=`$XM list -l | sed s/\(//g | sed s/\)//g`; #strip parens
I want to pull out lines matching:
domid cpu_time
from $data, but I can't figure out exactly how to go about that via a regex. As the input is not coming in via a file, I don't know how to grab one line at a time and I can't save the output temporarily to a file as that is one of my restrictions. There are multiple occurrences of the below block in the output I need to parse and I don't know beforehand how many there will be.
How can I take this info and parse it into an array holding the tokens? The tokens being defined as the line beginning with domid and the line beginning with cpu_time. I'm under the impression that bash does not have multi-dimensional arrays so I have to store these in 2 arrays, right?
(domain (domid 14) (uuid 04500ade-a703-23b7-e6f8-31e41c588c00) (vcpus 1) (cpu_weight 1.0) (memory 160) (shadow_memory 0) (maxmem 160) (features ) (name sampledomain.com) (on_poweroff destroy) (on_reboot restart) (on_crash destroy) (image (linux (kernel /home/users/sampledomain.com/linux) (root '/dev/xvda1 ro') ) ) (device (vif (backend 0) (script vif-bridge) (bridge xen-br0) (mac aa:00:79:64:33:ce) ) ) (device (vbd (backend 0) (dev xvda1:disk) (uname file:/home/users/sampledomain.com/fc6-1.ext3) (mode w) ) ) (device (vbd (backend 0) (dev xvda9:disk) (uname file:/home/users/sampledomain.com/swapfs.swp) (mode w) ) ) (state -b----) (shutdown_reason poweroff) (cpu_time 20205.5002826) (online_vcpus 1) (up_time 3047639.48897) (start_time 1171852894.06) )
Answer : regex matching - multiple lines
dom=(`$XM list -l | sed s/\(//g | sed s/\)//g | grep domid`) does stuff the matching portions into an array where each element will hold a single matching entry. echo ${dom[0]} would show the first entry ${dom[*]} would show all ig them