Hi All,
Please help me with a query regarding the IF statement in a Stored Procedure.
Bascially I want to check a parameter passed to the SP if there is a value assigned to it I want to do one thing if not I want to no nothing.
The code is as follows:
@Instruction int(4), @iID int(4), @iActive int(1) = NULL
IF @Instruction = 2 BEGIN SELECT myTable.myName FROM myTable WHERE myTable.myID=@iID IF @iActive<>NULL BEGIN AND myActive=@iActive END END
Code End
The problem is with the code: IF @iActive<>NULL BEGIN AND myActive=@iActive END SQL-server complains about syntax error. Any ideas?
Thanks, Indod.
Where are 2 ways of doing this
1. Dynamic 2. IF statement
1. Declare varchar(255) variable, test for your condition, concantenate and do adynamic EXEC
DECLARE @fActive varchar(255)
IF @iActive is not null SELECT @fActive = "AND myActive=" + @iActive
EXEC("SELECT myTable.myName FROM myTable WHERE myTable.myID= " + @iID + @fActive)
2. IF @iActive is null BEGIN SELECT myTable.myName FROM myTable WHERE myTable.myID=@iID END ELSE BEGIN SELECT myTable.myName FROM myTable WHERE myTable.myID=@iID AND myActive=@iActive END END