Question : 'script' session logging in Linux, have to exit twice, need to exit once
I am using "script" to capture sessions on my Linux hosts. I added the following lines to /etc/profile and it works fine, but when the user types
, it only stops the script session, and they are still logged in and essentially can do anything without session logging. I need to figure out how to end the script session and kill their ssh session at the same time.
Code Snippet:
1: 2: 3:
dte=`date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M` script -q /var/log/telnet/$dte-syslog01.$USER
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Answer : 'script' session logging in Linux, have to exit twice, need to exit once
You could do
script -q /var/log/telnet/$dte-syslo
g01.$USER && exit
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