" & vbcrlf)
            do until rs.eof
      end if

Now the question is, confirming I was definately at the right point by using rs.movefirst generated an error:
Error Number: -2147217896
Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
Error Description: Rowset position cannot be restarted.

Why can't I use movefirst?  How can I?

I'm also having problems with dates, but thats another question. ^_^

Question : Stored Proc Newbie: cant use .movefirst method

I'm converting an asp intranet site from using access and embedded sql to using sql server and stored procedures, partly to ensure longevity for the site, partly as a learning experience for myself.

old embedded sql:
      'Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
      'sql = "select tblReminder.*, tblBrand.id as BrandId, shortname, icon from tblReminder, tblBrand where tblBrand.id=tblReminder.brand and dateRemind <= '" & InsertDateStr(date) & "' and bIsDeleted=0 and username='" & lcase(username) & "' order by dateRemind"
      'rs.open sql, cnCRM

new "use a stored proc" code
      Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

      cmd.activeconnection = cnCRM
      cmd.commandtext = "crmGetRemindersForUser"
      cmd.commandtype = adCmdStoredProc
      cmd.Parameters.Append  cmd.createParameter("username", adChar, adParaminput, 40, sUsername)
      Set rs = cmd.execute      

Stored Proc:
CREATE PROCEDURE crmGetRemindersForUser
      @username varchar(40)

SELECT r.*, b.id AS BrandId, b.shortname, b.icon
FROM tblReminder r INNER JOIN tblBrand b ON r.brand = b.id
      r.dateRemind <= getdate()
      and r.bIsDeleted=0
      and r.username=@username
ORDER BY r.dateRemind

now, a s amatter of course in prettyy much all my code, I do this:
      if rs.eof then

No Reminders for user " & sUsername & "

Answer : Stored Proc Newbie: cant use .movefirst method

I must claim that I don't know VB but as uptill now nobody answers.
Here are some guess.

1. It may be unnecessary. simply remove it

 maybe You should try
     Set rs = cmd.open    
in place of
     Set rs = cmd.execute    
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