Question : trendmicro serverprotect antivirus strategy
I have trendmicro serverprotect installed on all my servers. there is an information server that checks for updates on a daily basis and updated all the other servers again on a daily basis. last week i had an issue that actuall was a nightmare where an antivirus update was applied on all the servers some of our applications started behaving abnormally. what would be the best and a safe strategy for updating the servers antivirus updates on a limited scale first and then implement it for rest of the servers. what is the strategy that enterprise networks use as part of their antivirus strategy. i just need the best practice.
Answer : trendmicro serverprotect antivirus strategy
Configure a system that is similiar to your current server configuration. You can do this with a "real"/physical system or a virtual system. Than use this environment to test new updates. If you go with a virtual system, you can restore to the original virtual server file if the updates causes a problem. If you go with a "real"/physical system you can restore the hard drives with an undamaged image. This is known as an IT sandbox. A sandbox is a great testing environment that isolates untested changes from the mission-critical systems. Sandboxing protects "live" servers and their data from changes that could be damaging or hard/time-consuming to repair.
Microsoft Virtual PC 2007: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/virtualpc/default.mspx
Note: If you decide to go with a virtual system, make sure you have plenty of RAM and processing power.