Question : Universal XP Image ??
Creating a Universal XP Image?
I am following the advice an article here: http://adminbromo.blogspot.com/2006/10/universal-ghost-image-guide.html
The information I am given primarily consists of the following as the main crux of this process. I understand the HAL part as I have done some research on the use of a "compatable" HAL. The second part of the HAL process involves overwriting two more files (ntkrnlpa.exe and ntoskrnl.exe), both of which already exist. Since I plan on using this Universal Image accross a 2000+ machine environment, I wish to understand this a little better.
His instructions are as follows: 2. Change the HAL to ACPI. Open the I386 folder located on your XP SP2 cd. Open the SP2.CAB. Extract halacpi.dll (not halaacpi.dll) to a temporary folder and rename it to hal.dll. Extract ntkrnlpa.exe and ntoskrnl.exe to the same temporary folder. Move all three files to the system32 folder under your windows directory. Say yes to replace files. Reboot You have now switched your PC to ACPI!
Answer : Universal XP Image ??
well to get sysprep I downloaded the most recent microsoft deployment tools which can be found here and contain the necessary sysprep files. it is free. - http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=3E90DC91-AC56-4665-949B-BEDA3080E0F6&displaylang=en
You then need to collect all the drivers needed for every system and put them in a folder on your drive. I myself made a folder C:\Drivers and put them on in there based on what the driver was. ex) C:\Drivers\280audio..... C:\Drivers 620nic and so on and so on. Use setupmgr.exe to create the sysprep.inf file which will provide the input for the windows mini setup. Fill in or add if it isn't there the OemPnpDriversPath=Drivers\280audio;Drivers620nic;etc (put the path of each folder here minus the drive letter as long as it is on the same drive as your sysprep files) I made the Driver folder and sysprep folder right in the same location. right on my C drive. Add this text into the bottom of the sysprep.inf file for the mass storage device drivers:
[Sysprep] BuildMassStorageSection=yes
To fill in the mass storage device drivers: start -> run... "c:\sysprep\sysprep.exe -bmsd" To prepare the image: (note: once you execute this command below sysprep will run and shutdown your computer ready for you to image. DO NOT boot the computer back up into windows as you first want to take the image of it.) start -> run... "c:\sysprep\sysprep.exe -activated -mini -pnp -reseal"
Then once the system is shutdown I booted up through a network boot cd, connected to my ghost server, ran ghost.exe, and imaged the system.
Let me know if you'd like anything else. I could show you my sysprep.inf file if you'd like.