Question : What happend if you database exceeds the 75gb limit in Exchange SP2

What happens if you exceed the 75gb limit in Exchange SP2? Is there a way you can create a new information store and move users to the new store? I have a client that has SBS2003 and they have been on it about a year and are alread at 50gb.

Answer : What happend if you database exceeds the 75gb limit in Exchange SP2

My only question would be licensing. I'm not sure if SBS CALS are equivelent or not. I'm sure Sembee can confirm this. As for the message store. Shouldnt be a problem either. Just recently upgraded from Standard to Enterprise edition. Of course backed everything up, scheduled downtine, re-installed the executables, did not need to re-create any stores since we were using existing. Everythign started back up. Took us about 30-45 minutes. Also make sure to apply Service Packs.
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