Question : How to create a flash object that displays data from a PHP file (data from mysql db)?
(01) This is what I want to do: I want to extract data from a MySQL database and show it as a table in Flash
(02) What I know: - I need to have a MySQL database; I have that. - I need to code a PHP file to extract data from the MySQL database; I have that. - I need to use SwishMax to create a .swf file that will display the contents in the PHP file
(03) What I don't know: - I don't know how to use SwishMax to create a .swf file that will display the contents in the PHP file.
(04) What I have done with SwishMax2 (my futile attempt):
Step 1 Create a new swish movie file called display.swi.
Step 2 > "Add Script" pull-down menu > Select "External files and data" > Select "Load/unload Movie Clip > Select "loadVariables(...)"
Step 3 Change the code to
onFrame (1) { loadVariables("display.php",'GET'); }
Step 4 Save the display.swi file and export to display.swf file (SWF 6 format is OK?)
Step 5 Upload (a) display.php (B) display.swf
Step 6 Browse display.swf via browser. Nothing.
What have I done wrong?
(05) My MySQL table format: [name] [address] [contact_person]
(06) My PHP file: [CODE]
$link = mysql_connect("localhost","username","password"); mysql_select_db("dbORG");
$results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tblORG ORDER BY name LIMIT 5");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) { extract($row);
echo "\n";
echo "$name | $address | $contact_person</td> | \n";
echo " \n";
Answer : How to create a flash object that displays data from a PHP file (data from mysql db)?
as i haven't used swishmax2 can you add any components such as the datagrid control? for this example to work all you need to have is a swf with the datagrid in the library and exported in the first frame: