Question : Corel Draw Question - Convert RGB BITMAP to CDR

Using CorelDraw 10. Can I convert a RGB BITMAP drawing that has limited text to a CDR so that I can edit it with Corel draw? If so, how do I accomplish this conversion.

Answer : Corel Draw Question - Convert RGB BITMAP to CDR

Shoot! That image is so simple you would be a LOT better off just doing as I said and recreating the image in Draw using the bitmap in the background as a guide. It's basically just a bunch of lines and rectangles, and would be a great way for you to learn how to use the drawing tools on a simple project. The arrows you can make just by drawing lines and then going into the Outline Pen dialog and picking an arrow from the preset list.

To put the bitmap on a background layer, go to Window>Dockers>Object Manager to open the Object/Layers docker. You should probably see "Guides" "Desktop" "Layer 1" and "Grid" listed as layers. In the lower left of the docker, click the New Layer button, and name it something like "bitmap." Then grab it when it appears in the list and drag it beneath Layer 1. Import the bitmap, position it in the center of the page, and then click the little "pencil" icon next to the "bitmap" layer in the Object Manager. This will make the layer non-editable, so it will just stay there in the background and not get moved around. (If you want to, before you make it non-editable, you can use the Transparency tool on the bitmap to make the image translucent so it's more like a shadowy traceable image.)

Then click on "Layer 1" in the list to make it the active layer, and do all your actual drawing work on Layer 1. Once it's done, you can just delete the "bitmap" layer and you'll be left with your drawing.

If you have any trouble managing the layers (or if the commands differ slightly due to the different versions we are using--I'm using 12--then go to the Help menu and look up Object Manager and Layers and it'll clear everything up.)

For a technical drawing like this, believe me, tracing it manually with the drawing tools is the ONLY way to get it right.
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