Question : OWA Your session has timed out


Our Exchange Server 2007 (64bits) has been working fine without problem for past few months. However, yesterday around noon time when user attempt to login using OWA it begin to give an error message "Your session has timed out." immediately after we login.

I've did some testing to confirm the authentication server is working properly. Infact, when I enter a false username or password, it does show me "The user name or password that you entered is not valid."

There has been no change on the server side setting. However, I believe there are few updates from Windows and from Parallel HELM.

I'm so lost now, can experts help me ASAP so I can bring company email system back online?


Answer : OWA Your session has timed out

Another possibility there are different timeout settings depending whether the user checks public or private computer.

The timout setting is actually stored in the registry, but since Windows Power­Shell" has an interface to update the registry, you can configure this setting using the Exchange Management Shell. The following example sets the timeout to 1440 minutes, or one day, when users choose the private computer option during logon.

see the folllowing website

Exchange Queue & A OWA Timeouts, Cmdlet Troubleshooting, and More

Check the registry keys to see what the current timeouts are set to.

set-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\
MSExchangeOWA -name TrustedClientTimeout 
-value 1440 -type dword
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