Question : Epic to PDF Trouble

We are tring to make a PDF from a Epic 5.1, the file we need PDF'ed is just over a meg, so it's not big, and It gives me the following error.
 Error: ioerror; OffendingCommand: show
that shows up on the txt file that appears after it fails to make the pdf. I tried different combinations and most worked.
PDFing a file under a meg in Epic works
PDFing a word file over(way over) a meg works
PDFing the same file from the same computer under a different account works
PDFing anoter file over a meg did NOT work
I tried deleting and reinstalling Epic and it still didn't work
I tried deleting and reinstalling Adobe(just for kicks) and that didn't change anything

Does any of this make sense to anyone out there please help.
o and we are running xp pro if that helps anyone

Answer : Epic to PDF Trouble

Sorry to hear about the stubborn user; FWIW, Microsoft recommends that a Word doc should not exceed 32mb; While you might reach 60mb you create system instability. You should be using the Word Outline feature to create sub-documents. It likely won't print correctly due to the file size. Also, be aware that sub-docs are also 'unstable' and tend to become easily corrupted. The print to PS then distill is your only option.
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