Question : Deploying web service war file and it's test client war file in the same EAR
I am using RAD 7.0. I have my web service TestService in a project TestWebProj. I also have a TestServiceClient project which contains the stubs that I have created from WSDL of TestWebProj. I the build path of the TestWebProj project, it references the TestServiceClient project. (the client programs uses the locator class of the TestServiceClient project). Now I want to generate war files of both projects and deploy them in one EAR file as in TestWebProj.EAR. Can this be done? Will there conflict in the class folder path during runtime or each of the projects run in their own space? Both projects have their own EAR projects as well that was created by default. How can I do this? Thank you.
Answer : Deploying web service war file and it's test client war file in the same EAR
Remeber that you can have as many WARs as you like in an ear, but it depends on the class loader policy's set. Application first, Parent last, also Module and Application class loaders can all have an effect. Design is key here and a complete understanding of your class path depandancies. Remember Websphere is also got it's own class loader and if you use classes it is also loading or your application artefacts try to load the same classes there can be conflicts only resolved by class loader policy a setting in Websphere servers, and applications, which can be found in the Administratrion Console.