Question : Finding the right permutation of a list of words
Complete the bash script below. Points awarded to the smallest/fastest, most maintainable code. Please don't write it in perl or python -- this is a bash question. If you must use per/sed/awk to parse, then please keep it to a minimum. The perfect answer will use some combination of bash builtins only.
a=(Where Is My Function)
function MyFunctionIsWhere { echo "the answer is 42" }
function ThisIsTheWrongFunction { echo "Don't call this one." }
# - The words in the "a" array may name a function that I want to call (MyFunctionIsWhere). # - There can only be zero or one functions named by the "a" array. So if you find one, stop. # - If there are zero functions that are named, display "none". # - If there is a function named by the "a" array, display its name. # - "define -F someFunctionName" will return the name of a function if it is # defined, else it will return nothing (and set $? to 0:1 accordingly)
Answer : Finding the right permutation of a list of words
declare -F | perl -ne 'BEGIN{$a=join"",map"(?=.*$_)",@ARGV;$o=join"|",splice @ARGV}print if /declare -f $a($o)*$/' ${a[@]}