Question : Object Privs.
Hi all,
I'm a startup DBA,
I'm trying to grant the object privileges(select & insert ) of USR1 to USR2 , connected as sys or internal.
But I get ORA-01031: insufficient privileges , when I try do that.
Is it necessary that i have to connect as usr1 to give object privileges of usr1 to usr2 ?
please help me ...
Thanks .
Answer : Object Privs.
While SYS or SYSTEM is a god account in the database -- they cannot grant access to objects (tables/procedures/functions/packages) that they either 1) Do not own themselves or 2) Objects that they have not been granted access to with the GRANT option
The quick fix -- Log into the schema owner -- then grant access on the objects to sys & system with the following clause "with grant option" example, say we are using the scott.emp table connect scott/tiger grant select, insert,update,delete on scott.tiger to sys with grant option; grant select, insert,update,delete on scott.tiger to system with grant option;
Sys and system should be able to grant access on that in the future.
You might want to consider creating Oracle Roles and granting privs to the roles -- it would make administration a little easier......
Hope this helps, dBalaski