Question : Access Query Sequential Numbering (After a sort)

I have a simple query that summarizes sales by region and sorts the results in decending order.

I end up with a list of sales regions greatest to smallest (with counts of stores).

What I then need to do is make a new table that ranks these regions 1 to whatever, highest volume to lowest.
Code Snippet:
SELECT tdataStores.StrDMACity AS DMA, Sum([TblFY07-VolAndPen].FY07Vol) AS FY07_Vol, Count(tdataStores.StrID) AS Stores
FROM tdataStores INNER JOIN [TblFY07-VolAndPen] ON tdataStores.StrID = [TblFY07-VolAndPen].StrId
GROUP BY tdataStores.StrDMACity
ORDER BY Sum([TblFY07-VolAndPen].FY07Vol) DESC;
Open in New Window Select All

Answer : Access Query Sequential Numbering (After a sort)

You could build a function
declare var
Dim Cntr as Integer
set value
Cntr = 1

Function VolCntr(x)
VolContr = Cntr
Cntr = Cntr + 1
End Function

A make table query

SELECT VolCntr ([FY07Vol]) AS Rank, etc, etc INTO MyRankTable FROM TableInYourExample
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