Question : bulk insert - skip a row
I am successfully using the bulk insert tool to insert data from a comma delimited file into a database, using this command:
bulk insert bts.dbo.BTS_CDR_RAW from 'D:\joeProd\bts_cdr\working\unzip\USE.BTS1082656348' with ( FIELDTERMINATOR = ',',ROWTERMINATOR = '\n' , TABLOCK)
My question, is: what is the easiest way to "skip" the first column of the database I am inserting into. (I don't want to put anything in the first column of the databse which is the primary key.)
The one example row of the file would be: "one,two,three" and my database consists of four columns: pk, firstrow,secondrow,thirdrow.
I think that inserting using a format file allows this, but is there an easier way? If not, how do I use a format file to skip the first row?
Answer : bulk insert - skip a row
You can also create a view that omits the column(s) and BULK INSERT into the view.
create table tbcp (col1 varchar(10) null, cola varchar(10) null, colb varchar(10) null)
create view v_tbcp as select cola, colb from tbcp
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'echo aaa,bbb>c:\temp\tbcp.csv' exec master..xp_cmdshell 'echo ccc,ddd>>c:\temp\tbcp.csv'
BULK INSERT OD.dbo.v_tbcp FROM 'c:\temp\tbcp.csv' with (FIELDTERMINATOR = ',',ROWTERMINATOR = '\n' , TABLOCK)
>Note: Bulk Insert through a view may result in base table default values being ignored for NULL columns in the data file.
select * from tbcp
col1 cola colb ---------- ---------- ---------- NULL aaa bbb NULL ccc ddd