Question : Set permissions to allow .exe file to execute within IIS instead of download

Windows 2003/IIS6

I am trying to install a software package called Perseus.  It puts .exe files into the \inetpub\wwwroot\perseus\ folder and gives instructions on how to add special web service extension that allows execution of the three .exe files in the inetput\wwwroot\perseus\ folder.  But no matter what I do, when I go to run http://localhost/perseus\pdcconfigure6.exe IE always tries to DOWNLOAD the exe file instead of run it on the server.  How do I set permissions so that the exe file is executed by IIS and not downloaded.

For reference, these are the exact instructions I followed that list how I set up the permissions so far:


Answer : Set permissions to allow .exe file to execute within IIS instead of download

To do NTFS permissions:

1)Go to the folder where your website is using My Computer or Windows Explorer - dbl click that folder to get inside of it
2)Create cgi-bin folder there - Right-click and Select New...Folder, type in cgi-bin and press enter, you should now see folder
3)rt click cgi-bin folder and Select Properties
4) go to security tab of that folders properties
5) Make sure Launch IIS process account (IWAM_servername) is in group or user name list with these permissions (read,    read and execute, list folder contents) - if IWAM_servername is not there, Click Add and Add the user and set those permissions
6) make sure Internet Guest Account (IUSR_servername) is in group or user name list with same permissionss in #2
7) click apply button then advanced button
8) take check out of the "Inherit..." box and click and click copy to copy those permissions to folder
9) put check in box "replace permissions..." and click apply and yes to continue
10) click ok twice to close those windows then close explorer window
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