Question : Gmail Expert Needed. . ."Display images below"
Gmail has this setting where you can tell it to always display images from a certain recipient. Thats a really good feature because it gets annoying to always click on the "Display images below" link.
The problem is that it doesnt matter either way. No matter how many times it appears that I click on the "Always display images&." option instead, I always have to click on it again to see the images in an email.
Is there a way to set this once and for all so all images are always shown on all messages?
Where does this setting get stored? Is it a cookie? Do I lose it when I clear Internet Explorer data?
Answer : Gmail Expert Needed. . ."Display images below"
Hello fshaw818,
Gmail remembers the Display Images setting in a cookies file. If you delete cookies files at close of browser, the setting will be lost. Set your browser to remember Google cookies.
Hope this helps!
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