I get a message on my Palm Treo 700wx with Verizon service that Yahoo! has no plans to support Yahoo!Go 2.0 for this device and service plan.
1. Are there other versions of Yahoo!Go?
2. Assuming Yahoo!Go is not available, how do I best get my calendar, and address book without going through Internet Explorer? ( I am now able to get mail with Verizon Wireless Sync.)
If I enter the Yahoo! Address Book and click the Sync tab, I see a message that says that AutoSync is coming soon. If I click the AutoSync logo I'm directed to the Nokia Intellisync site.
3. If I don't want to wait for Yahoo!AutoSync and chose to purchase Nokia Intellisync now, will I still need Outlook?
4. Will Intellisync (or AutoSync) allow me to sync wirelessly in the field, or only when connected to my desktop?
5. If desktop only, do I need ActiveSync for anything? Should I uninstall ActiveSync with or without Intellisync?
6. If I install Intellisync, should I uninstall Verizon Wireless Sync?
7. Any other suggestions? At this point, I think my only alternative is to save my address book to a .csv file, bring that into Outlook, then either use Activesync or Verizon Wireless Sync to get it on the PDA. Is this what I have to do??