Question : Why my laptop shutdowns automatically while reformatting?

While I was trying to reformat an Acer notebook, it will shutdown automatically.

Before that, the notebook was infected with worms etc, unable to clean up the mess so that was why I did reformatting,however  no automatic shutdown occurred before I jumped to reformatting....

Now, each time I boot the system, an error message"Errors while loading windows"something similar to that will appear on the screen.I did try again to reformat the PC after this error message, but the problem remained the same.

For your information, I am not using the battery.

What am I supposed to do now?

Thanks in advance

Answer : Why my laptop shutdowns automatically while reformatting?

Remove the drive and hook it on other system (with adapter or usb enclosure), and try format the drive there.

Also, reseat the memory, disconnect any external device if any during installation. Reset bios as well.

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