Use any boot cd to get to either the recovery console or at a minimum to a command prompt. Once in, try executing this:
copy c:\windows\repair\sam c:\windows\system32\config\sam
If you are asked if you want to replace the existing file, say yes obviously. If there is a permission issue with the copy, you could execute the attrib command, like so:
attrib -h c:\windowes\system32\config\sam (removes hidden)
attrib -s c:\windowes\system32\config\sam (removes system
attrib -r c:\windowes\system32\config\sam (removes read only)
this will replace the existing sam registry hive with the original install hive. This should allow you to login. Understand that there will be no users other than possible admin (with no password). If login is successful, you can then use system restore to go back in time and restore a previous registry and perhaps stop you from having to spend "30 days in the hole."