Question : Script to automatically adjust time
As a result of daylight savings time issue with pcs coming up does anyone have a script or no of a way i can adjust the time on all pcs simulteanously automatically. Like i said a script would be fine and where to put it. its needed for a network that has active directory and one that does not have active directory.
Answer : Script to automatically adjust time
NolanDorsett, Two other folks here on E-E have used my exact suggestion this week successfully - without including any username or password. Our IT staff uses this same process on a regular basis to install, modify, remove, etc. applications and files.
http://www.experts-exchange.com/OS/Microsoft_Operating_Systems/Q_22397407.html http://www.experts-exchange.com/OS/Microsoft_Operating_Systems/Windows/XP/Q_22402185.html?qid=22402185
ylandrum, Instead of taking your cheap shots at the military - why don't you actually try my suggestion - or read the instructions - before telling us all what you 'think' works with PSEXEC.
My email address is in my profile if you want to continue this.