Question : Windows Server 2003 Backup Utility not Exchange aware
I am running a Windows Server 2003/Exchange 2003 (SP1) server. It is also a secondary domain controller. I perform regular backups using the Windows Backup utility. I run the wizard, and select "backup all information on this computer," and backup to a DLTIV tape.
My last backup was 7 days ago. Five days ago, I discovered my hard drive had filled up, with MDBDATA log files. I discovered that I still had all my log files since I brought the server on-line six months ago, despite bi-weekly full backups that whole time.
Question 1: Does the Windows Backup utility wizard "backup all" option include Exchange information stores/log files?? Or do I EXPLICITLY have to select them?
I manually removed some old log files (I know I'm not supposed to, but I had to), and had to reboot to restart all the services. As long as I was rebooting, I installed Server 2003 SP1. Today, if I manually select files to backup, the information store and special icon is shown in the backup util. I don't know if it was there before, I never remember seeing it.
Question 2 (just curious): Does this mean my Windows Backup was buggy, and not exchange aware for the last 6 months? Would the SP1 install have fixed it?
Answer : Windows Server 2003 Backup Utility not Exchange aware
1) You have to select them. As you mentioned, you need to choose the Information Store option. 2) What makes ntbackup Exchange aware are 2 things. An updated ntbackup.exe that comes with exchange, and edbbcli.dll. It is possible that ntbackup.exe did not get updated during the initial install because of a sharing violation or something similar, and the SP1 update fixed it.