Question : MS Search Server 2008 Results issue with plural words

I'm having an issue with crawled HTML content with Microsoft Search Server Express 2008.

I'll search for the word maps, and come up with no results, but map does show results.  The search is being taken too literally.  When I try the same query with the free IBM product, I come up with proper results.  It interchanges map with maps, and other plural words.  Does anyone know how to make MSSX automatically search the obvious synonyms?

Answer : MS Search Server 2008 Results issue with plural words

I found the answer.  What I was looking for was stemming, or "word stemming".  This takes words like dancing, and breaks it down to it's root.  It'll look for dancer, dance, etc.

This is where I read about it:

He's quite good, what I could add to that is, if you're using a webservice to query your search server, use the following tags:


If you'd like to remove the noise words, please use:

It took a lot of searching, but I needed the proper word to search by first.

Have fun!
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