Question : Internet Boosters - Do they work?  How?

I've seen internet boosters such as WebRocket and Internet Booster each claiming to speed up intenet web viewing by as much as 200%.

Can you tell me how exactly do these programs "speed up" data transfering?  Do they only make changes to the Windows registry or are they using other techniques?

Answer : Internet Boosters - Do they work?  How?

besides tweaking your MTU registry setting to give you a little bit better performance, they probably also implement a better (smarter) caching mechanism where they try to guess where you are going to go next and it may seem like your browsing faster but in actuality you aren't.

The best way to boost your speed (besides broadband) is to get a modem bonder (hardware accelerator) Though these logically should increase your speed by 100%, tests show only a 67% gain (which is still much better than the software alternative)

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