Question : CGI scripts with Perl for ISAPI

I'm using IIS 4 and have a relatively script-heavy site. Perl for ISAPI apparently is supposed to let you run your perl scripts using the loaded perlis.dll, which would be significantly faster for us and less taxing on our server compared to a separate process for every script.

Thing is, I don't know how to do it. The ActiveState site doesn't tell you how to do it, other than vague generalities. Microsoft (of course) doesn't tell you how to do it. And I don't know anybody who's done it.

I've tried associating my .cgi files with the perlis.dll file (already mapped), but that didn't work.

Any ideas? What am I missing?

Answer : CGI scripts with Perl for ISAPI

I believe your script files need to have a .plx extension.
change your cgi scripts to:


I have IIS 4.0 and changes to a .plx extension and it worked.
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