Question : formatting a file on UNIX to add Header and Footer (using html )
I need to convert all the files from a directory on UNIX to .doc file. I also need to append the header and footer to a .doc file. Header is nothing but the name of the file. Footer shows the page numbers .example page 1 of 3. When I transfer the files from UNIX to windows , they should open in Microsoft WORD and should have the formatting in them(header and footer). I understand this can be easily done on Windows using a WORD Macro but I am suppose to do this on UNIX. I thought may be this can be done using awk/nwak programming but I do not have indepth knowledge of it. Please guide me... Thanks
Answer : formatting a file on UNIX to add Header and Footer (using html )
you can try creating RTF? a suggestion, if you have Python. You can download the module called PyRTF from http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyrtf/. Untar and install the module after downloading by typing "python setup.py install" on the command line. then navigate to the "examples" directory. there is scripts to show you examples on how to create RTF files. If you are more familiar with Perl, i am sure CPAN has similar modules to do that