Question : Fetch special characters like "Ñ" and absolute URL from href attribute of anchors

Hi there

I used the following codes to fetch the source codes from the web page (assigned to url2 in the following codes) but got two painful problems.

1. odd characters or character missed, e.g. the name "ALBARIÑO ORGANISTRUN" become "ALBARIÿ ORGANISTRUN" if display in Notepad++ or "ALBARI ORGANISTRUN" if display in Notepad. waht I want is "ALBARIÑO ORGANISTRUN".

2. relative url, e.g. the href value of the anchor "Blancos" is "prodtype.asp?PT_ID=107&numRecordPosition=1&strPageHistory=cat&strKeywords=&strSearchCriteria="
, But I really want is its absolute address like ""

Can any one help me sort them out?

Thanks in advance!


codes I used:

dim url1
dim url2
dim xmlhttp
dim datafile
dim FS
dim dataFileTs
dim i
dim cookie

url1 = ""
url2 = ""
datafile = "c:\temp\test.dat"

set FS = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set datafileTs = FS.CreateTextFile(datafile, True, True)
set xmlHTTP = Wscript.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0")
xmlHTTP.Open "HEAD",url1, false
i = 0
do until xmlHTTP.readyState = 4            
      Wscript.Sleep 100
      i = i + 1
      if i > 1000 then exit do
cookie = xmlhttp.getResponseHeader("set-cookie")

xmlHTTP.Open "GET",url2, false
xmlHTTP.SetRequestHeader "set-cookie",cookie
xmlHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type","text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
xmlHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Content-Location","absoluteURI"
i = 0
do until xmlHTTP.readyState = 4            
      Wscript.Sleep 100
      i = i + 1
      if i > 1000 then exit do
datafileTs.Writeline xmlhttp.responseText

Answer : Fetch special characters like "Ñ" and absolute URL from href attribute of anchors

> .. href attribute of every anchor should already contain its domain ..
I already explained http:#22674364 that the client cannot enforce this, the server needs to do it
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