Question : Converting *.123 files to *.xls
I saw this in a forum from 3 years back. Is there a solution to get Lotus 123 files with the .123 ext converted to Excel ?
Answer : Converting *.123 files to *.xls
hehe you always attract me to a Q .... especially the 0-pointers
You have 5 and only 5 choices.
1. Ask the person(s) who sent these files to convert them to .XLS format. Presumably he/she/they have a recent version of Lotus 123.
2. Buy a copy of SmartSuite 9.5 or higher (9.8 is current, but the file format hasn't changed), and convert these files yourself into .XLS format using 123.
3. Buy a copy of the latest version of DataViz's ConversionPlus file conversion package, which claims to read .123 files. (haven't used it myself, so I don't know if their claims are true or what parts of .123 files they may not convert), and should be able to convert them into .XLS format (if their promos are to be believed).
4. Download a copy of KeyView Lotus 123 Viewer from
You may be able to use it to pull values but not formulas out of .123 files. AFAIK, Lotus itself doesn't provide stand-alone viewers for .123.
5. Don't do anything with the files.
Microsoft doesn't provide *ANYTHING* to read or convert .123 files, and since this file format has existed for 5 1/2 years now, it's a very safe bet Microsoft will never support .123 files. In other words, expecting Microsoft to help you out with this would be very unwise. Only Lotus or 3rd party software will give you access to the contents of these files
Option #1 would be ideal unless you received these files as part of discovery in a civil lawsuit. If this is part of discovery, you're on your own opening the files.