Question : Grant Users ADMIN Rights Automaticaly; Install SW/Run Scripts; Remove ADMIN Rights Automatically

I support over 200 NT Workstations and I'm looking for an Automated way for the users to Connect to an NT Server to access Softwars Install Pgms/Patches;  and then execute Software Installs/Patches.
Unfortunately, with NT they'll need ADMIN Rights (locally) to install the SW. Ideally, I'd like an automated way for them to: 1) be Granted ADMIN Rights (locally) 2) Execute the Install/Patches and 3) Revoke their ADMIN Rights (locally).
If MSUSRMGR.exe is a possible solution, what would be the proper Command Line syntax to execute these procedures in a Batch file (or VBScript?). If Windows Scripting Host is a possible solution, is there any sample code available to perform these operations?

Answer : Grant Users ADMIN Rights Automaticaly; Install SW/Run Scripts; Remove ADMIN Rights Automatically

What I did for a customer was create a service on each workstation with instsrv and srvany from the NT reskit.
This service runs under an account that has local admin rights, and thus can install any software package.
The script that the service starts can be maintained central (one script for all users) and because the service is set to automatic startup the installation starts even before the user can logon to the workstation.
What you can and cannot do: (if you don't want to spend money on SMS)
- you can install any software, as long as no GUI interaction is required
- in most cases you cannot prevent a reboot in the case a manual installation (of the software)requires one, supressing a reboot can leave a system unstable.
- you 100% sure want to use winstall or wise install (i use the last one very often), sysdiff can do something for you, but doesn't see every change to a system, and cannot install services.
- you cannot make changes to the user environment direct, what I do in such a case is split the installation in 2 sections (where the Current_user settings are a different file) and run the user section from the login script.

I use these methods with success for the last 3 years with 2 of my customers, with a large number of connected workstations. (2000 for one customer and 500 for the other spread around 14 countries in europe).

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