Question : how do i move the "my recent documents" folder to a different partition?

I thought that I made the necessary changes to the registry; however, every time I go to check and see if the "my recent documents" folder works in its new location, there is nothing in it.  I go back to the original location and there it is, after having been deleted, with the tested documents in it.

Answer : how do i move the "my recent documents" folder to a different partition?

just to clarify

browse the registry to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders. you will probably need to add an REG_EXPAND_SZ titled Recent and put in the location you want. Also, check Shell Folders (as opposed to User Shell Folders) and you should already see the Recent key in there to change.

Remember to back up the registry first !
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