Question : IIS auto-restart on crash
NT4 server, IIS4
Is there a utility out there that will monitor IIS and restart it when it quits functioning properly ?
After running a particular web server for a few weeks w/out a reboot... IIS kind of poops out on me.
This used to happen more frequently. It turns out some ASP pages have memory leaks in them (whole 'nuther story there) and after about a week the RAM usage for that particular site process in MTS was very high. Just restarting the package in MTS cleared up the memory and everything went on it's merry way. So, to automate this, I run the MTXSTOP.EXE app every morning at 3am. Could this be causing any problems ?
This mornings error was an HTTP 500 error on all ASP pages. HTML pages would work fine. This leads me to think that the ASP engine wouldn't start. I tried restarting MTS and that particular web site.. tried unloading it too. nothing helped. I then resorted to shutting down the IIS Admin service and restarting the WWW service... which resulted in an error on trying to shut down, something about the service state.
So I rebooted and everything is fine.
But, is there a monitoring app out there that will watch IIS, MTS, ASP, threads, and system resources and notice when the system is in an unstable state and apply fixes accordingly ?
thanks, greendot
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