Question : Disable Warnings concerning Max Row size when adding columns ( Cannot create a row of size .... which is greater than the allowable maximum of 8060 )


How can I disable this warning when adding a new column ?
Or at least catch this specific error in an ADO-environment ( VB6 ).
It's possible to have potentially too many columns in a row in my app but they will never by all used on the same row.
I can't catch this error in VB using ADO because this error has the same error number as for example 'column exists already (-2147217900)'.

Sven Peeters

Answer : Disable Warnings concerning Max Row size when adding columns ( Cannot create a row of size .... which is greater than the allowable maximum of 8060 )

you cannot disable the warning, and the only thing you can do is to check the error message text, or, in advance ensure the column is NOT yet present, and hence be sure that the error code will be the row length and hence "ignore" it.
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