Question : Assistance with DOS script
Our MS-SQL backups are moved from one server to another via a bat file.
echo on
rem Script to move daily database backups to Destination Server/SQLBACKUP% rem Destination server is mapped, files are moved then the Destination server is unmapped rem FOR server SQL1
NET USE Y: "\\destination\SQLBACKUP$"
MOVE /Y C:\SQLBAC~1\Data\*.* Y:\SQL1\Data
The problem is that the current DOS code moves over everything and the date modified equals all backups on the destination server.
Need the DOS script to either bring over that days timestamp file (which is like db20080225.bak) or look at the modified file and bring over the current day's modified file
Answer : Assistance with DOS script
You can play around with the numbers here to see how this syntax works:
@echo %date% @echo %date:~4,2% @echo %date:~7,2% @echo %date:~10,4%