Question : Windows pause while working ...
Windows pause on me from time to time. There is this pausing rythm: pause-active-pause-active-pause-active or pause-active-pause-active-pause-active-pause-active. It doesnt matter of what I am doing, programming, gaming, etc. It comes and goes in every 5 to 10 minutes. It doesnt hang my system but it really annoys me. How to correct this symptom?
Answer : Windows pause while working ...
Ppmb, I tend to agree with rcashon, but other than telling you it's a cache problem, he hasn't realy helped, hmmmm, yet another job half done. I to had the same problem, realy pissed me off when trying to burn a CDR. I found a great FREEWARE program called CacheMan and it fixed the problem, it lets you change the windows VCASH easily, normaly it would require regedit to modify the registry settings.
Just looked and found a thing called FreeMem, althoug I havn't tried it it also looks good. Start with cacheman though as I know it works well.
Here are the web pages for the products that I just mentioned.
CacheMan: http://members.xoom.com/ultimatum/cacheman.htm
FreeMem: http://www.meikel.com/freemem/fmempro.htm
Hope it fixes it for you.