Question : INSERT/UPDATE corrupted data being passed...
IIS | ASP | VBScript | SQL Server 2000 | IE6
I'm having a real problem with a CMS that I'm developing. When using add and update web forms I find that the data being passed to the SQL statement is slightly corrupted. It seems to be special characters that are affected such as £$&
I have written a small function which converts special characters into their respective HTML escape codes Eg: £ = £
The SQL statement is built up like so:-
sqlUpdate = sqlUpdate & "CoSummary = '" & strToSQL(Request.Form("CoSummary")) & "', "
So, when I enter the following test data from a textarea:
"summary" £ 3 &%& 'lo'
The following is being put in the SQL statement
[snippet] CoSummary = '"summary" £ 3 &%& 'lo'', [end of snippet]
Note the  which has magically appeared infront of £
I have the following page content type : text/html; charset=utf-8
Any help would REALLY be appreciated as I was hoping the function I wrote would solve the problem - its even worse without the strToSQL function.
Answer : INSERT/UPDATE corrupted data being passed...
You need to change the CharSet in the Metatag to:
META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
This is the English character set.